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Los derechos humanos en Cuba son objeto de controversia y debate. Cuba es signataria de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas, la cual contiene una cláusula que denota los derechos fundamentales, deberes y garantías de los cubanos. El país firmó aunque no ha ratificado el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos y el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales. Cuba es miembro fundador del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU. El incumplimiento al respeto y defensa de los derechos humanos proclamado con la firma de estos acuerdos, sin embargo, ha sido denunciado por órganos internacionales y la disidencia cubana. El Gobierno cubano ha sido acusado por la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (órgano de la OEA, de la que Cuba fue expulsada en 1962) de aplicar torturas, detenciones arbitrarias, procesos con fines propagandísticos y ejecuciones extrajudiciales.​ La Comisión llama la atención sobre las restricciones a la libertad de expresión, a la libertad de asociación, a la libertad de circulación, a la libertad de ideas, a los derechos políticos, a la ausencia de elecciones, a la falta de independencia del Poder Judicial. En nuestros textos encontrarás todo lo relacionado a la violación o no de los derechos humanos en Cuba.
A group of human rights organizations from Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua presented on April 11, 2024, the regional campaign “It’s happening again,” which highlights the situation of political prisoners in the three Latin American countries in the face of the rise of totalitarianism.
This week the Matraca artists address the role of the Cuban government during the fourth cycle of the Universal Periodic Review before the UN Human Rights Council.
As part of a tour of several European countries, Miguel Díaz-Canel visited Pope Francis at the Vatican on June 20, 2023. The meeting between the leaders lasted “just over 30 minutes”, long enough to give rise to rumors about the content of the conversations.
After decades of the Cuban government draining the money and energy of emigrants by making them pay extremely high prices for a passport that is of little use, it has decided to “play good.”
Cuba has a new Family Code. The implementation of the law presents several legislative and institutional challenges.
In Latin American countries where authoritarianism prevails, as in Cuba, mass surveillance technologies are often used as instruments of repression against dissident expressions.
This Thursday, August 25, 2022, authorities of the Ministry of the Interior prevented six elTOQUE journalists from boarding Aerolineas Argentinas flight AR1327, bound for Buenos Aires, at Havana's José Martí International Airport.
The Matanzas disaster once again exposed the Cuban bureaucrats. It showed that their "confidence in triumph" is nothing more than negligence in disguise.
The diversity of Cuban families is one step closer to being recognized following the approval of the Family Code by the Cuban Parliament.
After Mailén Díaz Almaguer's public denunciation on social networks, many called her ungrateful. Such a thought denotes the mental slavery under which many Cubans still live.
Cuban journalist Abraham Jimenez Enoa denounced his arbitrary arrest and being stripped, handcuffed and transferred to the State Security Unit known as Villa Marista, on October 1st. Once there, he was interrogated and threatened.
Liusba looks at the camera and, in the meantime, her girlfriend Lisset rubs her hand up and down her back, a somewhat affectionate and protective gesture. She says that her greatest happiness, as well as being pregnant, is that she has never seen her parents so happy, because this is definitely not expected from a […]
A few weeks ago, Reuters news agency published a video in which a preacher from Havana’s Methodist Church claimed that all Christians are against Article 68 of the draft Constitution (which takes out a reference to gender in defining marriage) because the Bible condemns it, quite simply. These proclamations were made in the name of its […]
We have fought and lived making huge sacrifices in order to be sovereign, to not have owners or bosses, but there are still chains that we must carry with us, as if the machetes of yesteryear were only any good to keep museum displays intact.
Even though Decree 349 was ushered in like many things are in the Official Gazette, it has created intense debates in different spaces for being a document that seeks to regulate the country’s cultural policy in an explicit way. Since November 20th 2018, a group of artists and creators have been sending a dossier around […]
They met online and began a virtual relationship which allowed them to see each other every day in spite of physical distance. A few months into this relationship, they planned to meet in Havana, they slept the night together and, the next day, Shellys Mayara received the proposal that would take her to the altar, […]
The churches’ opposition to recognizing the LGBTIQ+ community’s rights is as old as these religious institutions themselves.
Beyond how legal or legitimate the sentence has been, what has happened to Ariel should be of every Cuban’s interest.
Eduardo Martinez and Lola Amores play the leading roles in Cuba’s latest award-winning fiction feature movie. However, in spite of Santa y Andres’ (2016) international success (the first movie they shared scenes in), it hasn’t been shown at any Cuban movie theater or on national TV.

derechos humanos

Los derechos humanos en Cuba son objeto de controversia y debate. Cuba es signataria de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas, la cual contiene una cláusula que denota los derechos fundamentales, deberes y garantías de los cubanos. El país firmó aunque no ha ratificado el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos y el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales. Cuba es miembro fundador del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU. El incumplimiento al respeto y defensa de los derechos humanos proclamado con la firma de estos acuerdos, sin embargo, ha sido denunciado por órganos internacionales y la disidencia cubana. El Gobierno cubano ha sido acusado por la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (órgano de la OEA, de la que Cuba fue expulsada en 1962) de aplicar torturas, detenciones arbitrarias, procesos con fines propagandísticos y ejecuciones extrajudiciales.​ La Comisión llama la atención sobre las restricciones a la libertad de expresión, a la libertad de asociación, a la libertad de circulación, a la libertad de ideas, a los derechos políticos, a la ausencia de elecciones, a la falta de independencia del Poder Judicial. En nuestros textos encontrarás todo lo relacionado a la violación o no de los derechos humanos en Cuba.

Campaign for Political Prisoners in Cuba-Venezuela-Nicaragua
A group of human rights organizations from Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua presented on April 11, 2024, the regional campaign “It’s happening again,” which highlights the situation of political prisoners in the three Latin American countries in the face of the rise of totalitarianism.
This week the Matraca artists address the role of the Cuban government during the fourth cycle of the Universal Periodic Review before the UN Human Rights Council.
Cuba has a new Family Code. The implementation of the law presents several legislative and institutional challenges.
The Matanzas disaster once again exposed the Cuban bureaucrats. It showed that their "confidence in triumph" is nothing more than negligence in disguise.
Cuban journalist Abraham Jimenez Enoa denounced his arbitrary arrest and being stripped, handcuffed and transferred to the State Security Unit known as Villa Marista, on October 1st. Once there, he was interrogated and threatened.
We have fought and lived making huge sacrifices in order to be sovereign, to not have owners or bosses, but there are still chains that we must carry with us, as if the machetes of yesteryear were only any good to keep museum displays intact.
The churches’ opposition to recognizing the LGBTIQ+ community’s rights is as old as these religious institutions themselves.
As part of a tour of several European countries, Miguel Díaz-Canel visited Pope Francis at the Vatican on June 20, 2023. The meeting between the leaders lasted “just over 30 minutes”, long enough to give rise to rumors about the content of the conversations.
In Latin American countries where authoritarianism prevails, as in Cuba, mass surveillance technologies are often used as instruments of repression against dissident expressions.
The diversity of Cuban families is one step closer to being recognized following the approval of the Family Code by the Cuban Parliament.
Liusba looks at the camera and, in the meantime, her girlfriend Lisset rubs her hand up and down her back, a somewhat affectionate and protective gesture. She says that her greatest happiness, as well as being pregnant, is that she has never seen her parents so happy, because this is definitely not expected from a […]
Even though Decree 349 was ushered in like many things are in the Official Gazette, it has created intense debates in different spaces for being a document that seeks to regulate the country’s cultural policy in an explicit way. Since November 20th 2018, a group of artists and creators have been sending a dossier around […]
Beyond how legal or legitimate the sentence has been, what has happened to Ariel should be of every Cuban’s interest.
After decades of the Cuban government draining the money and energy of emigrants by making them pay extremely high prices for a passport that is of little use, it has decided to “play good.”
This Thursday, August 25, 2022, authorities of the Ministry of the Interior prevented six elTOQUE journalists from boarding Aerolineas Argentinas flight AR1327, bound for Buenos Aires, at Havana's José Martí International Airport.
After Mailén Díaz Almaguer's public denunciation on social networks, many called her ungrateful. Such a thought denotes the mental slavery under which many Cubans still live.
A few weeks ago, Reuters news agency published a video in which a preacher from Havana’s Methodist Church claimed that all Christians are against Article 68 of the draft Constitution (which takes out a reference to gender in defining marriage) because the Bible condemns it, quite simply. These proclamations were made in the name of its […]
They met online and began a virtual relationship which allowed them to see each other every day in spite of physical distance. A few months into this relationship, they planned to meet in Havana, they slept the night together and, the next day, Shellys Mayara received the proposal that would take her to the altar, […]
Eduardo Martinez and Lola Amores play the leading roles in Cuba’s latest award-winning fiction feature movie. However, in spite of Santa y Andres’ (2016) international success (the first movie they shared scenes in), it hasn’t been shown at any Cuban movie theater or on national TV.

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