
elTOQUE Jurídico

elTOQUE Jurídico

Proyecto de educación jurídica para la ciudadanía cubana, bajo la sombrilla de, que integra expertos juristas con comunicadores y otros actores sociales.
It is a sovereign power of the States to pay or not to pay the debt to their international creditors. But the choice will have consequences.
Cuba implements digital form for in advance visitors Customs declarations as well as personal and flight information.
What were the results of the parole process applied to Venezuelans? Did the Biden Administration have evidence to claim that parole would curb the irregular arrival of Cubans to U.S. territory?
elTOQUE Jurídico summarizes in 11 questions and answers the most important issues that Cubans who intend to immigrate to the United States as of January 6, 2023 should be aware of.
2022 closes with the regency of a Cuban government that represses any sign of dissent and is incapable of offering prosperity, despite predicting a better 2023.
On the eve of the November 27, 2022 elections, elTOQUE Jurídico will devote several materials to answer questions that inform about the positions assumed by Cubans in relation to the country's electoral processes.
While most Cubans are being allowed to travel to Nicaragua to use it as a trampoline for a journey to the USA some are being rejected by the Ortega regime.
In Latin American countries where authoritarianism prevails, as in Cuba, mass surveillance technologies are often used as instruments of repression against dissident expressions.
The new Penal Code will enter into force on December 1, 2022; date on which the 90 regulatory days following the publication of the regulation in the Official Gazette occurred on September 1, 2022.
A statement by over 300 artists calls for an end of abuse against their Cuban counterparts, objects of State launched slander campaigns, as well as the increased harassment since the gathering outside the Ministry of Culture on November 27, 2020.
Solis served his full sentence and was finally released in July 2021, when Robles had already spent eight months in prison. He has been in what they call “pre-trial detention” since his arrest, at the Combinado del Este prison. A year after his arrest, he has yet to go to trial and receive a sentence.
The Justicia 11J group and CUBALEX compiled a list of those arrested after 11J, in which they highlight the arrests of minors. They have documented the arrest of 45 minors (including those imprisoned for reasons linked to the call to protest on November 15, 2021 (15N); of whom 29 have been released, some with preventive measures of home arrest or on bail; nine of them remain behind bars.
“Everyone who has been arrested for exercising these rights [assembly and peaceful protest in Cuba] should be released immediately,” UN Human Rights Office spokesperson Elizabeth Throssell stated during a press conference in Geneva, on November 16, 2021.


elTOQUE Jurídico

elTOQUE Jurídico

Proyecto de educación jurídica para la ciudadanía cubana, bajo la sombrilla de, que integra expertos juristas con comunicadores y otros actores sociales.

It is a sovereign power of the States to pay or not to pay the debt to their international creditors. But the choice will have consequences.
elTOQUE Jurídico summarizes in 11 questions and answers the most important issues that Cubans who intend to immigrate to the United States as of January 6, 2023 should be aware of.
While most Cubans are being allowed to travel to Nicaragua to use it as a trampoline for a journey to the USA some are being rejected by the Ortega regime.
Solis served his full sentence and was finally released in July 2021, when Robles had already spent eight months in prison. He has been in what they call “pre-trial detention” since his arrest, at the Combinado del Este prison. A year after his arrest, he has yet to go to trial and receive a sentence.
Cuba implements digital form for in advance visitors Customs declarations as well as personal and flight information.
2022 closes with the regency of a Cuban government that represses any sign of dissent and is incapable of offering prosperity, despite predicting a better 2023.
In Latin American countries where authoritarianism prevails, as in Cuba, mass surveillance technologies are often used as instruments of repression against dissident expressions.
The Justicia 11J group and CUBALEX compiled a list of those arrested after 11J, in which they highlight the arrests of minors. They have documented the arrest of 45 minors (including those imprisoned for reasons linked to the call to protest on November 15, 2021 (15N); of whom 29 have been released, some with preventive measures of home arrest or on bail; nine of them remain behind bars.
What were the results of the parole process applied to Venezuelans? Did the Biden Administration have evidence to claim that parole would curb the irregular arrival of Cubans to U.S. territory?
On the eve of the November 27, 2022 elections, elTOQUE Jurídico will devote several materials to answer questions that inform about the positions assumed by Cubans in relation to the country's electoral processes.
The new Penal Code will enter into force on December 1, 2022; date on which the 90 regulatory days following the publication of the regulation in the Official Gazette occurred on September 1, 2022.
A statement by over 300 artists calls for an end of abuse against their Cuban counterparts, objects of State launched slander campaigns, as well as the increased harassment since the gathering outside the Ministry of Culture on November 27, 2020.
“Everyone who has been arrested for exercising these rights [assembly and peaceful protest in Cuba] should be released immediately,” UN Human Rights Office spokesperson Elizabeth Throssell stated during a press conference in Geneva, on November 16, 2021.

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