
Eloy Viera Cañive

Eloy Viera Cañive

Cienfueguero ausente. Graduado de Licenciatura en Derecho en 2011. Abogado de la Organización Nacional de Bufetes Colectivos hasta 2017. Director legal del Colectivo+Voces. El Derecho sigue siendo mi esperanza, pero he renunciado a ser un abogado que solo recomienda paciencia y fe.
The government believes the Cuban flag belongs to the Communist Party.
While Leandro Pupo faces the possibility of four years in a forced labor camp, a judge has not even allowed Pedro Jorge Velazquez to answer in open court for his libelous comments.
Freedom is not an abstract value. Freedom can be measured by things as simple as the ability to accompany our parents in their deaths.
Marquez’s stance is similar to most of the Latin American Left who have preferred to avoid pointing a finger at the Cuban regime.
Ktivo Disidente has been imprisoned since April 2022 for publicly demonstrating against the government on San Rafael Boulevard. He will be tried on November 29. He is charged with the crimes of contempt and disobedience.
Totalitarianism has caused many Cubans not to question and normalize the intrusion of power in all areas of their lives. It has succeeded in annulling the civic subject that allows anyone to defend their identity and rights.
The uncritical and absolute refusal to receive humanitarian aid at a time of real crisis for many Cuban citizens, while the regime mobilizes resources to shore up its image as a vulnerable and attacked state, only facilitates the work of propaganda.
The Matanzas disaster once again exposed the Cuban bureaucrats. It showed that their "confidence in triumph" is nothing more than negligence in disguise.
Cuban police violently detained Alejandro Tamayo after the U.S. Coast Guard deported him to Cuba after intercepting him about 60 miles south of Key West. The text reflects on the legal details of the case.
For some time now, Alejandro Gil has been in charge of selling warm water as a novelty; but the Cuban economy cannot be prosperous because it is not directed or thought under economic criteria, but under political ones.
After Mailén Díaz Almaguer's public denunciation on social networks, many called her ungrateful. Such a thought denotes the mental slavery under which many Cubans still live.
In the official Cuban discourse there are enough examples of this segmentation, which has created a barrier not only between Cuba and a part of the world, but also among Cubans themselves.
You can’t criticize US imperialism and justify Russian imperialism. You can’t be an enemy of the Monroe Doctrine and embrace the Putin Doctrine.
The most serious statistic offered by Judge Sanchez is that of the sixty-two people appearing before the judge, forty of them were sentenced without the presence of a lawyer.
The Cuban government has arbitrarily deprived Karla Perez, 22, of her rights on more than one occasion. Firstly, when it violated her right to study because for political reasons. Now, they have left her in a “stateless” situation by preventing her from entering Cuba. They only notified her of the ban on entry when she was already […]


Eloy Viera Cañive

Eloy Viera Cañive

Cienfueguero ausente. Graduado de Licenciatura en Derecho en 2011. Abogado de la Organización Nacional de Bufetes Colectivos hasta 2017. Director legal del Colectivo+Voces. El Derecho sigue siendo mi esperanza, pero he renunciado a ser un abogado que solo recomienda paciencia y fe.

The government believes the Cuban flag belongs to the Communist Party.
Marquez’s stance is similar to most of the Latin American Left who have preferred to avoid pointing a finger at the Cuban regime.
The uncritical and absolute refusal to receive humanitarian aid at a time of real crisis for many Cuban citizens, while the regime mobilizes resources to shore up its image as a vulnerable and attacked state, only facilitates the work of propaganda.
For some time now, Alejandro Gil has been in charge of selling warm water as a novelty; but the Cuban economy cannot be prosperous because it is not directed or thought under economic criteria, but under political ones.
You can’t criticize US imperialism and justify Russian imperialism. You can’t be an enemy of the Monroe Doctrine and embrace the Putin Doctrine.
While Leandro Pupo faces the possibility of four years in a forced labor camp, a judge has not even allowed Pedro Jorge Velazquez to answer in open court for his libelous comments.
Ktivo Disidente has been imprisoned since April 2022 for publicly demonstrating against the government on San Rafael Boulevard. He will be tried on November 29. He is charged with the crimes of contempt and disobedience.
The Matanzas disaster once again exposed the Cuban bureaucrats. It showed that their "confidence in triumph" is nothing more than negligence in disguise.
After Mailén Díaz Almaguer's public denunciation on social networks, many called her ungrateful. Such a thought denotes the mental slavery under which many Cubans still live.
The most serious statistic offered by Judge Sanchez is that of the sixty-two people appearing before the judge, forty of them were sentenced without the presence of a lawyer.
Freedom is not an abstract value. Freedom can be measured by things as simple as the ability to accompany our parents in their deaths.
Totalitarianism has caused many Cubans not to question and normalize the intrusion of power in all areas of their lives. It has succeeded in annulling the civic subject that allows anyone to defend their identity and rights.
Cuban police violently detained Alejandro Tamayo after the U.S. Coast Guard deported him to Cuba after intercepting him about 60 miles south of Key West. The text reflects on the legal details of the case.
In the official Cuban discourse there are enough examples of this segmentation, which has created a barrier not only between Cuba and a part of the world, but also among Cubans themselves.
The Cuban government has arbitrarily deprived Karla Perez, 22, of her rights on more than one occasion. Firstly, when it violated her right to study because for political reasons. Now, they have left her in a “stateless” situation by preventing her from entering Cuba. They only notified her of the ban on entry when she was already […]

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