About us
elTOQUE is an independent multimedia platform that brings you Cuba in all its diverse, complex, creative, and also sometimes painful or hidden reality. Our very existence is a commitment to the diversity of voices, styles, and functions among the media that publishes for Cubans and others interested in Cuba.
We began in 2014 as a project of the Latin American department of the Dutch non-governmental organization RNW Media (formerly Radio Nederland Wereldomroep). In 2017, after that organization changed its work strategy and ended its presence in Latin America, a team of young Cuban journalists and bloggers who had been managing elTOQUE since 2016 accepted the challenge of keeping the project alive, but only in our hands. To this end, we created the Colectivo Más Voces Foundation, legally registered in Poland due to the impossibility of obtaining legal status either as a media outlet or as an organization in Cuba.
The Colectivo Mas Voces Foundation finances elTOQUE and its allied projects from grants and International Cooperation projects (for example, Fondo Velocidad, MEEDAN y la International Fact-checking Network), collaboration agreements with other international media, and income from professional services rendered by the CATAO agency, its commercial arm.
The quality of each content in any of the formats or genres, and editorial independence, are essential to us. The media's agenda is decided collectively by the editorial team, always considering the information needs of our audiences and the opportunities to place issues that are silenced or little addressed in other communication spaces in the public debate.
We do not respond to the interests of any political party or government, inside or outside the island. Demanding transparency from the Cuban Government and its officials, as well as maintaining vigilance over power, are a fundamental part of our day-to-day efforts.


We prioritize invisible or little addressed issues, with a special focus on gender, economy, civic participation, technology, and legal perspectives.

We are committed to rigorous and sustainable journalism in creative, original, and innovative formats.

We verify public discourse and contribute to informed decision-making.

We promote spaces for dialogue on topics of interest to Cubans wherever they are.

We believe in establishing alliances with other national and international actors from shared ethical positions and we are committed to our audiences participating in the content creation process.

We put much value on the creation of inclusive content free of discrimination.

We report through various platforms with minimal data consumption.
contact us
Si te interesa colaborar con nosotros o tienes ideas para trabajar en conjunto, este es tu espacio. Completa y envía el siguiente formulario. También puedes escribir al correo audiencias@eltoque.com.
Déjanos saber si elTOQUE podría publicar tu mensaje, completo, resumido o extractado, y de manera anónima si así lo prefieres.
Si consideras que nos hemos equivocado o tienes una petición de corrección a cualquiera de nuestros contenidos, escribe al correo editores@eltoque.com.
REGON: 367180911, NIP: 5252709195
ul. STAWKI, nr 2A, lok. 139, WARSZAWA, kod 00-193, POLSKA
About us
elTOQUE is an independent multimedia platform that brings you Cuba in all its diverse, complex, creative, and also sometimes painful or hidden reality. Our very existence is a commitment to the diversity of voices, styles, and functions among the media that publishes for Cubans and others interested in Cuba.
We began in 2014 as a project of the Latin American department of the Dutch non-governmental organization RNW Media (formerly Radio Nederland Wereldomroep). In 2017, after that organization changed its work strategy and ended its presence in Latin America, a team of young Cuban journalists and bloggers who had been managing elTOQUE since 2016 accepted the challenge of keeping the project alive, but only in our hands. To this end, we created the Colectivo Más Voces Foundation, legally registered in Poland due to the impossibility of obtaining legal status either as a media outlet or as an organization in Cuba.
The Colectivo Mas Voces Foundation finances elTOQUE and its allied projects from grants and International Cooperation projects (for example, Fondo Velocidad, MEEDAN y la International Fact-checking Network), collaboration agreements with other international media, and income from professional services rendered by the CATAO agency, its commercial arm.
The quality of each content in any of the formats or genres, and editorial independence, are essential to us. The media's agenda is decided collectively by the editorial team, always considering the information needs of our audiences and the opportunities to place issues that are silenced or little addressed in other communication spaces in the public debate.
We do not respond to the interests of any political party or government, inside or outside the island. Demanding transparency from the Cuban Government and its officials, as well as maintaining vigilance over power, are a fundamental part of our day-to-day efforts.
contact us
If you are interested in knowing more about how you could collaborate with us or have ideas to work together, this is your space. Fill out and send the following form. You can also write to email audiencias@eltoque.com.
If you think we have made a mistake or have a request to correct any of our content, write to editores@eltoque.com. The editorial team will contact you within 24 to 72 hours.
REGON: 367180911, NIP: 5252709195
ul. STAWKI, nr 2A, lok. 139, WARSZAWA, kod 00-193, POLSKA