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Contamos las historias de jóvenes como tú que se sienten protagonistas de esta Cuba que cambia; aquellos que transforman los barrios, que emprenden, dialogan y construyen iniciativas ciudadanas para su gente. Te mostramos cómo otros jóvenes superaron las barreras y hoy impulsan un proyecto propio.
The Cuban Government is once again extending the tariff benefit for non-commercial traveler imports of foodstuffs, toiletries, medicines and electricity generation equipment. The regulations for such tariff exemptions were published in the Extraordinary Gazette No. 2 on January 29, 2025.
The decision came just one month after Biden had declared otherwise, extending Cuba’s designation on the list for another year.
In a surprise move, the Biden administration removed Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism. According to Martí Noticias, in exchange, the Cuban government promised to release political prisoners.
Venezuelan citizens took to the streets on Thursday January 9th to defend Edmundo Gonzalez’s electoral victory of July 28, 2024. Opposition leader Maria Corina Machado called for nationwide demonstrations to support Gonzalez’s potential inauguration on January 10.
The Cuban government has acknowledged that it will only be able to address 50% of the damage to roofs of homes caused by hurricanes Oscar and Rafael, as well as the earthquakes on November 10, 2024.
On the morning of Sunday, November 10, 2024, a pair of high-intensity earthquakes shook the southern part of eastern Cuba. The tremors were recorded by the National Center for Seismological Research (Cenais) and the United States Geological Survey.
The election between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump was decided in the early hours (local time) of November 6, 2024. Trump won the “swing states” of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and North Carolina, giving him the necessary electoral votes to gain the presidency.
On Thursday, October 17, 2024, more than half of Cuba was without electricity, according to data from the state Electric Co. (UNE). On the same day, Prime Minister Manuel Marrero appeared on national television to address the energy “emergency” in a broadcast that was delayed due to “technical difficulties”.
Swiss diplomat Mauro Reina, currently ambassador to Denmark, denounced the situation of repression that Cubans experience on the island on October 1, 2024, in Madrid, Spain.
Using statements obtained under coercion and interrogation sessions lasting between eight and 12 hours, filled with threats and blackmail, the scriptwriters of State Security’s Villa Marista headquarters will pretend to have conducted a criminal investigation with guarantees and to have uncovered a new “conspiracy against Cuba.” The reality, however, is quite different.
The new operation involves an ongoing criminal persecution for the alleged crime of “mercenarism,” which was incorporated into Article 143 of the Penal Code after its reform in 2022. Receiving funds used to carry out activities “contrary to the Cuban State and its constitutional order,” is now a crime punishable by between four and ten years imprisonment.
When a password is not enough to ensure the security of our accounts, a second layer of protection is needed.
On August 19, 2024, a new list was published in the Official Gazette related to activities not authorized for micro, small, and medium private enterprises, cooperatives, and self-employed workers.
A recent report by the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) Office in Cuba revealed that many families in Cuba apply violent disciplinary methods. The document includes an analysis of 209 studies conducted between 2000 and 2020.
Writers and artists, including Argentine composer Fito Paez, Cuban novelist Leonardo Padura, and Cuban filmmaker Fernando Pérez, have signed a letter condemning the police violence exercised on May 18, 2024, against anthropologist Jenny Pantoja and historian and essayist Alina Barbara López




Contamos las historias de jóvenes como tú que se sienten protagonistas de esta Cuba que cambia; aquellos que transforman los barrios, que emprenden, dialogan y construyen iniciativas ciudadanas para su gente. Te mostramos cómo otros jóvenes superaron las barreras y hoy impulsan un proyecto propio.

The Cuban Government is once again extending the tariff benefit for non-commercial traveler imports of foodstuffs, toiletries, medicines and electricity generation equipment. The regulations for such tariff exemptions were published in the Extraordinary Gazette No. 2 on January 29, 2025.
Venezuelan citizens took to the streets on Thursday January 9th to defend Edmundo Gonzalez’s electoral victory of July 28, 2024. Opposition leader Maria Corina Machado called for nationwide demonstrations to support Gonzalez’s potential inauguration on January 10.
The election between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump was decided in the early hours (local time) of November 6, 2024. Trump won the “swing states” of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and North Carolina, giving him the necessary electoral votes to gain the presidency.
Using statements obtained under coercion and interrogation sessions lasting between eight and 12 hours, filled with threats and blackmail, the scriptwriters of State Security’s Villa Marista headquarters will pretend to have conducted a criminal investigation with guarantees and to have uncovered a new “conspiracy against Cuba.” The reality, however, is quite different.
On August 19, 2024, a new list was published in the Official Gazette related to activities not authorized for micro, small, and medium private enterprises, cooperatives, and self-employed workers.
The decision came just one month after Biden had declared otherwise, extending Cuba’s designation on the list for another year.
The Cuban government has acknowledged that it will only be able to address 50% of the damage to roofs of homes caused by hurricanes Oscar and Rafael, as well as the earthquakes on November 10, 2024.
On Thursday, October 17, 2024, more than half of Cuba was without electricity, according to data from the state Electric Co. (UNE). On the same day, Prime Minister Manuel Marrero appeared on national television to address the energy “emergency” in a broadcast that was delayed due to “technical difficulties”.
The new operation involves an ongoing criminal persecution for the alleged crime of “mercenarism,” which was incorporated into Article 143 of the Penal Code after its reform in 2022. Receiving funds used to carry out activities “contrary to the Cuban State and its constitutional order,” is now a crime punishable by between four and ten years imprisonment.
A recent report by the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) Office in Cuba revealed that many families in Cuba apply violent disciplinary methods. The document includes an analysis of 209 studies conducted between 2000 and 2020.
In a surprise move, the Biden administration removed Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism. According to Martí Noticias, in exchange, the Cuban government promised to release political prisoners.
On the morning of Sunday, November 10, 2024, a pair of high-intensity earthquakes shook the southern part of eastern Cuba. The tremors were recorded by the National Center for Seismological Research (Cenais) and the United States Geological Survey.
Swiss diplomat Mauro Reina, currently ambassador to Denmark, denounced the situation of repression that Cubans experience on the island on October 1, 2024, in Madrid, Spain.
When a password is not enough to ensure the security of our accounts, a second layer of protection is needed.
Writers and artists, including Argentine composer Fito Paez, Cuban novelist Leonardo Padura, and Cuban filmmaker Fernando Pérez, have signed a letter condemning the police violence exercised on May 18, 2024, against anthropologist Jenny Pantoja and historian and essayist Alina Barbara López

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