Servicio de información sobre el coronavirus en Cuba

La sala de abordaje en el aeropuerto internacional José Martí, La Habana, está prácticamente vacía, debido a la disminución de visitantes extranjeros y los viajes internacionales de nacionales, debido a la COVID-19, que ha tenido efectos desalentadores para el turismo en Cuba.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism in Cuba

By the end of December 2020, Cuba had experienced a 74.6% drop in international visitors compared to those that came in 2019. By February 2021, there had been a 95.5% drop compared to numbers in January and February the previous year.
Ruben Dario Herrera was assigned bed 22 at the isolation center in Santa Clara. On March 27th, he officially became case #78 confirmed with COVID-19, according to the report issued by the Cuban Ministry of Health.

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