Glenda Boza Ibarra
Cubana, seguidora de los Santamaría. Periodista, apasionada, con defectos, siempre intentando ser justa.
The meteorological drought that is plaguing Cuba adds to the many other shortages that make up the systemic crisis in which the country finds itself. In this case, the aggravating factor is greater because water is a vital and indispensable resource for human beings.
The latest migration wave of Cubans has put relationships to the test, whether these are between family members, friends or couples.
News of burglaries and even murders to seize vehicles and clothing have been reported on social networks and in the media. However, little has been reported on the increase in crimes of this type in recent years or the conclusion of the cases.
The shortage of bread has been one of the main concerns of Cubans for several weeks.
After the massive blackout on Tuesday, September 27, many Cubans have had to endure more than 48 hours of blackout.
Hurricane Ian has hit western Cuba since the early morning of Tuesday, September 27. The damage has been terrible, according to those who have lived through it.
Cuban universities also shut down during power outages. How does the current energy crisis affect the educational process?
The long blackouts in Cuba's provinces also affect the services and production of private businesses.
La Crema is a Cuban musician who "da chucho" through his reggaeton songs. His songs about Cuban current affairs are good for dancing, laughing and reflecting.
Some cubans, perhaps driven by a certain nostalgia, try to follow the series, soap operas and other programs that are broadcast on the island.
According to the rates tracked by El Toque on a daily basis (which are calculated by taking the average of figures found on buying and selling ads of foreign currency), the USD went up from an exchange rate of 72 pesos on January 1, 2022, to 100 pesos today.
Fake menstrual cups have arrived in Cuba. Shortages of feminine hygiene products* have not only shot up prices of any product, but have also encouraged non-certified products to make their way onto the market.
The exhibition includes 80 large format pieces, out of which 50 are collagraphs (almost all of which are unpublished), created between 1986 and 1999. Some of them have been displayed in the US.
Saily was one of the signees of the request to hold a peaceful protest for change, an initiative by the Archipielago platform, which was denied authorization by the Government.
The interactive map helps people who care for the elderly, or even the elderly themselves, by providing them with the information they need to contribute to this age group leading a dignified life, as they are extremely vulnerable and are at even greater risk now during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Glenda Boza Ibarra
Cubana, seguidora de los Santamaría. Periodista, apasionada, con defectos, siempre intentando ser justa.
The meteorological drought that is plaguing Cuba adds to the many other shortages that make up the systemic crisis in which the country finds itself. In this case, the aggravating factor is greater because water is a vital and indispensable resource for human beings.
The shortage of bread has been one of the main concerns of Cubans for several weeks.
Cuban universities also shut down during power outages. How does the current energy crisis affect the educational process?
Some cubans, perhaps driven by a certain nostalgia, try to follow the series, soap operas and other programs that are broadcast on the island.
The exhibition includes 80 large format pieces, out of which 50 are collagraphs (almost all of which are unpublished), created between 1986 and 1999. Some of them have been displayed in the US.
The latest migration wave of Cubans has put relationships to the test, whether these are between family members, friends or couples.
After the massive blackout on Tuesday, September 27, many Cubans have had to endure more than 48 hours of blackout.
The long blackouts in Cuba's provinces also affect the services and production of private businesses.
According to the rates tracked by El Toque on a daily basis (which are calculated by taking the average of figures found on buying and selling ads of foreign currency), the USD went up from an exchange rate of 72 pesos on January 1, 2022, to 100 pesos today.
Saily was one of the signees of the request to hold a peaceful protest for change, an initiative by the Archipielago platform, which was denied authorization by the Government.
News of burglaries and even murders to seize vehicles and clothing have been reported on social networks and in the media. However, little has been reported on the increase in crimes of this type in recent years or the conclusion of the cases.
Hurricane Ian has hit western Cuba since the early morning of Tuesday, September 27. The damage has been terrible, according to those who have lived through it.
La Crema is a Cuban musician who "da chucho" through his reggaeton songs. His songs about Cuban current affairs are good for dancing, laughing and reflecting.
Fake menstrual cups have arrived in Cuba. Shortages of feminine hygiene products* have not only shot up prices of any product, but have also encouraged non-certified products to make their way onto the market.
The interactive map helps people who care for the elderly, or even the elderly themselves, by providing them with the information they need to contribute to this age group leading a dignified life, as they are extremely vulnerable and are at even greater risk now during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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