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A Cuban Martial Arts School that Arose from the Rubble

In 1997, Juan Antonio Soca, karate-Do and ju-jitsu instructor, had the idea of installing a tatami mat in an abandoned space and converting it to a dojo, a hall for immersive learning in the martial arts.


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House/Apartment Prices in Cuba: Where Is it Cheaper to Buy?

With a wide variety of options and questionable demand due to cash shortages on the island, we ask: what is the price of houses and apartments in Cuba today? How much do people end up paying by the end of the transaction? Who are the buyers?


In 1997, Juan Antonio Soca, karate-Do and ju-jitsu instructor, had the idea of installing a tatami mat in an abandoned space and converting it to a dojo, a hall for immersive learning in the martial arts.

Maria Caridad Castillo Palau, “Cari” as she’s affectionately known, arises very early each morning to seek “some option” for her 39-year-old son Allen, who refuses to take his pills without something to accompany them with.

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With a wide variety of options and questionable demand due to cash shortages on the island, we ask: what is the price of houses and apartments in Cuba today? How much do people end up paying by the end of the transaction? Who are the buyers?

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This week the Matraca artists illustrated their desires and predictions for 2024.

The illustrations in this issue of “Matraca” were inspired by some of the most relevant moments and events of 2023.

This week the Matraca illustrators center on government leaders latest review of the state of the Cuban economy and initial announcements for the coming year.

What can we expect on the table for Christmas and New Years? At the moment they offer us the fear of attacks by Florida gunmen and aliens.

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