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Yenys Laura Prieto

Yenys Laura Prieto

Periodista, poeta y creadora de contenidos audiovisuales. Licenciada en Periodismo por la Universidad de La Habana (2012). Máster en Literatura Española e Hispanoamericana, Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada por la Universidad de Salamanca (2022). Desde el periodismo o la investigación prefiere hurgar en las tachaduras, los silencios y las «voces sumergidas».
Cooking with firewood or going hungry seems to be the dilemma for many Cuban families who endure more than 15 hours of power outages daily.
The Cuban government needs dollars. The Telecommunications Company of Cuba (Etecsa) can provide them. The equation seems straightforward: the people in Cuba and their emigrant relatives endure, face challenges, and pay.
Around Yainet, there’s only muddy clothes, dirty bottles, and pieces of wood. Two single mattresses lie on the damp ground. She holds her oldest daughter by the hand and has a baby in her other arm. They are barefoot. They survived Hurricane Oscar, but the structure of what they knew as home broke apart in the early hours of October 21, 2024.
Celia Cruz (1925-2003) never stopped singing her truth to the world. That’s why now, as tributes begin for the 100-year anniversary of her birth, her songs continue to resonate in Havana, Miami, Paris, and Madrid.
“There are usually a thousand red flags before a feminicide takes place. They are like traffic signs,” says Marta Maria Ramirez.
Argentine singer-songwriter Fito Paez made his first statements on the censorship and unauthorized screening of the documentary "La Habana de Fito" in a conversation with journalist Yenys Laura Prieto. He also referred to his ties with the Cuban people and his way of understanding art, history and life, from the perspective of freedom.


Yenys Laura Prieto

Yenys Laura Prieto

Periodista, poeta y creadora de contenidos audiovisuales. Licenciada en Periodismo por la Universidad de La Habana (2012). Máster en Literatura Española e Hispanoamericana, Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada por la Universidad de Salamanca (2022). Desde el periodismo o la investigación prefiere hurgar en las tachaduras, los silencios y las «voces sumergidas».

Cooking with firewood or going hungry seems to be the dilemma for many Cuban families who endure more than 15 hours of power outages daily.
Celia Cruz (1925-2003) never stopped singing her truth to the world. That’s why now, as tributes begin for the 100-year anniversary of her birth, her songs continue to resonate in Havana, Miami, Paris, and Madrid.
The Cuban government needs dollars. The Telecommunications Company of Cuba (Etecsa) can provide them. The equation seems straightforward: the people in Cuba and their emigrant relatives endure, face challenges, and pay.
“There are usually a thousand red flags before a feminicide takes place. They are like traffic signs,” says Marta Maria Ramirez.
Around Yainet, there’s only muddy clothes, dirty bottles, and pieces of wood. Two single mattresses lie on the damp ground. She holds her oldest daughter by the hand and has a baby in her other arm. They are barefoot. They survived Hurricane Oscar, but the structure of what they knew as home broke apart in the early hours of October 21, 2024.
Argentine singer-songwriter Fito Paez made his first statements on the censorship and unauthorized screening of the documentary "La Habana de Fito" in a conversation with journalist Yenys Laura Prieto. He also referred to his ties with the Cuban people and his way of understanding art, history and life, from the perspective of freedom.

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