
Rachel Pereda

Rachel Pereda

Periodista y mamá, o al menos eso intento. Sabinera hasta la médula. Amante de la literatura, las causas imposibles, la fotografía, el café y la aventura. Géminis y soñadora. Creo en la magia y en la historia detrás de la historia. Sigo en espera de mi carta a Hogwarts.
Technology is a powerful tool that can enrich children's lives when used responsibly and balanced with other activities.
Four Cubans, from different places and perspectives, share their experiences of fatherhood, overcoming the limits of emigration, everyday life in Cuba and even the challenges of a delicate medical condition.
Toys are tools for exploration and learning. By labeling and segmenting toys according to gender, we reinforce stereotypes that can limit play and development choices for boys and girls.
When we stop aspiring for complete control and see ourselves as human, we also open the doors to empathy and self-love.
I am made of the mothers that destiny has put in my path. I am all those women who have marked each of my years.
Milene Cordero arrived in the United States at the age of 27. Like any start-up, she had to face the challenges of immigrants. However, she never imagined that she would become a drag racer.
Imagination is a fundamental capacity that needs to be encouraged from childhood. It helps the development of creativity, empathy and self-perception of girls and boys. We propose some activities to do at home.
When migration and motherhood go hand in hand they shake you up in a tremendous way. Both experiences have a lot in common. They force you to leave your comfort zone and adapt to new routines in an unfamiliar context.
After the government eliminated the exit permit to leave the country since January 2013, as part of Immigration Reforms, every year the number of Cubans traveling abroad increases, except of course during the pandemic.
She’s 36 years old, but she seems to have lived a lot longer given the map of experiences traced on her own body in ink. Her name is Yenisley Castellanos. She was born in Banes, Holguin, and is one of the first female tattoo artists in Cuba. Rejection. This word comes up over and over […]


Rachel Pereda

Rachel Pereda

Periodista y mamá, o al menos eso intento. Sabinera hasta la médula. Amante de la literatura, las causas imposibles, la fotografía, el café y la aventura. Géminis y soñadora. Creo en la magia y en la historia detrás de la historia. Sigo en espera de mi carta a Hogwarts.

Technology is a powerful tool that can enrich children's lives when used responsibly and balanced with other activities.
When we stop aspiring for complete control and see ourselves as human, we also open the doors to empathy and self-love.
Imagination is a fundamental capacity that needs to be encouraged from childhood. It helps the development of creativity, empathy and self-perception of girls and boys. We propose some activities to do at home.
She’s 36 years old, but she seems to have lived a lot longer given the map of experiences traced on her own body in ink. Her name is Yenisley Castellanos. She was born in Banes, Holguin, and is one of the first female tattoo artists in Cuba. Rejection. This word comes up over and over […]
Four Cubans, from different places and perspectives, share their experiences of fatherhood, overcoming the limits of emigration, everyday life in Cuba and even the challenges of a delicate medical condition.
I am made of the mothers that destiny has put in my path. I am all those women who have marked each of my years.
When migration and motherhood go hand in hand they shake you up in a tremendous way. Both experiences have a lot in common. They force you to leave your comfort zone and adapt to new routines in an unfamiliar context.
Toys are tools for exploration and learning. By labeling and segmenting toys according to gender, we reinforce stereotypes that can limit play and development choices for boys and girls.
Milene Cordero arrived in the United States at the age of 27. Like any start-up, she had to face the challenges of immigrants. However, she never imagined that she would become a drag racer.
After the government eliminated the exit permit to leave the country since January 2013, as part of Immigration Reforms, every year the number of Cubans traveling abroad increases, except of course during the pandemic.

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