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Laura Roque Valero

Laura Roque Valero

Periodista y realizadora. No busco lo extraordinario, sino lo que trasciende por la constancia del día a día. Me interesa la realidad con todos sus matices, de los más oscuros a los más resplandecientes, siempre enfocada en el sujeto que la disfruta o la sobrelleva
When Amelia Calzadilla landed in Madrid with her three children one November day, she had not only overcome the fear of flying but also bid farewell to a place she didn’t want to leave.
The stories of elTOQUE began to be told in another format on July 4, 2022. The Historias al Oído podcast was born with the intention of reaching a different audience, the visually impaired and those who prefer oral storytelling.
The ways in which power structures in Cuba control public discourse explain the extent of a domination that leads to the abuse of power and of which the official media have been a part.
Between September 29 and October 1, 2022 there were more than 50 protests in Cuba. They took place in Holguín, Las Tunas, Mayabeque, Artemisa and most of them in almost all the municipalities of Havana.
The appeal to history -to a patriotic and victorious past- has served for the representatives of power in Cuba as a strategy of legitimization.
On countless occasions, the Cuban government's political discourse not only justifies poverty, but also romanticizes it.
In the official Cuban discourse there are enough examples of this segmentation, which has created a barrier not only between Cuba and a part of the world, but also among Cubans themselves.
The Cuban government congratulated the new leader after the announcement of his victory. However, Boric has publicly declared his stance against human rights violations in Cuba and the Government’s response to social protests on July 11th.
Many of the people detained for having protested against the Government, have been tried in summary hearings and others are awaiting trial, charged with crimes such as sedition and public disorder. Sentences in some cases could reach up to 30 years in prison.
She has over 5,000 followers on her Facebook page now, and she sometimes dresses up, sings, dances and even offers mini-classes in her Livestreams on how she thinks you can educate your children on political matters. She slowly answers these questions as her little girl Virginia draws.


Laura Roque Valero

Laura Roque Valero

Periodista y realizadora. No busco lo extraordinario, sino lo que trasciende por la constancia del día a día. Me interesa la realidad con todos sus matices, de los más oscuros a los más resplandecientes, siempre enfocada en el sujeto que la disfruta o la sobrelleva

When Amelia Calzadilla landed in Madrid with her three children one November day, she had not only overcome the fear of flying but also bid farewell to a place she didn’t want to leave.
Between September 29 and October 1, 2022 there were more than 50 protests in Cuba. They took place in Holguín, Las Tunas, Mayabeque, Artemisa and most of them in almost all the municipalities of Havana.
In the official Cuban discourse there are enough examples of this segmentation, which has created a barrier not only between Cuba and a part of the world, but also among Cubans themselves.
She has over 5,000 followers on her Facebook page now, and she sometimes dresses up, sings, dances and even offers mini-classes in her Livestreams on how she thinks you can educate your children on political matters. She slowly answers these questions as her little girl Virginia draws.
The stories of elTOQUE began to be told in another format on July 4, 2022. The Historias al Oído podcast was born with the intention of reaching a different audience, the visually impaired and those who prefer oral storytelling.
The appeal to history -to a patriotic and victorious past- has served for the representatives of power in Cuba as a strategy of legitimization.
The Cuban government congratulated the new leader after the announcement of his victory. However, Boric has publicly declared his stance against human rights violations in Cuba and the Government’s response to social protests on July 11th.
The ways in which power structures in Cuba control public discourse explain the extent of a domination that leads to the abuse of power and of which the official media have been a part.
On countless occasions, the Cuban government's political discourse not only justifies poverty, but also romanticizes it.
Many of the people detained for having protested against the Government, have been tried in summary hearings and others are awaiting trial, charged with crimes such as sedition and public disorder. Sentences in some cases could reach up to 30 years in prison.

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