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Servicio de verificación y datos de elTOQUE. Detectamos noticias falsas y desinformación. Verificamos el discurso público. Chequeamos hechos, frases y otros contenidos de interés público a partir del análisis riguroso de datos.
The commercial relations between Etecsa and Orange S.A. for the installation of a submarine telecommunications cable between Cuba and Martinique come at a time when Cubans are complaining about repeated Internet outages and a slower than usual connection.
Generally-speaking, the Rio Grande looks quite calm at a simple glance, but it instills a false sense of confidence in those who choose to cross it.
This isn’t a new phenomenon. Ever since the Revolution triumphed, “ideological differences” were not only considered a crime, but an abomination. In the early ‘60s, like Cuban writer Pio Serrano recorded, the FEU (already under revolutionary control) demanded a “cleanup” of professors at Cuban universities.




Servicio de verificación y datos de elTOQUE. Detectamos noticias falsas y desinformación. Verificamos el discurso público. Chequeamos hechos, frases y otros contenidos de interés público a partir del análisis riguroso de datos.

The commercial relations between Etecsa and Orange S.A. for the installation of a submarine telecommunications cable between Cuba and Martinique come at a time when Cubans are complaining about repeated Internet outages and a slower than usual connection.
Generally-speaking, the Rio Grande looks quite calm at a simple glance, but it instills a false sense of confidence in those who choose to cross it.
This isn’t a new phenomenon. Ever since the Revolution triumphed, “ideological differences” were not only considered a crime, but an abomination. In the early ‘60s, like Cuban writer Pio Serrano recorded, the FEU (already under revolutionary control) demanded a “cleanup” of professors at Cuban universities.

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