
Ana Lidia García
Licenciada en Periodismo por la Universidad de La Habana (Cuba). Coordinadora editorial de elTOQUE.
“We won’t stop advocating for communities being repressed in Cuba,” said Benjamin Ziff, the Chargé d’Affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Cuba.
Up until recently, the Procle workshop was filled with the sound of sewing machines, as well as Caridad and Zademys’ chattering and laughter. However, customer service has been put on the backburner with the new situation created by Coronavirus.
The final report of the air accident which occurred on 18 May 2018 confirms as the most likely cause of the incident the loss of control of the aircraft, due to a chain of errors, mainly human.

Ana Lidia García
Licenciada en Periodismo por la Universidad de La Habana (Cuba). Coordinadora editorial de elTOQUE.
“We won’t stop advocating for communities being repressed in Cuba,” said Benjamin Ziff, the Chargé d’Affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Cuba.
Up until recently, the Procle workshop was filled with the sound of sewing machines, as well as Caridad and Zademys’ chattering and laughter. However, customer service has been put on the backburner with the new situation created by Coronavirus.
The final report of the air accident which occurred on 18 May 2018 confirms as the most likely cause of the incident the loss of control of the aircraft, due to a chain of errors, mainly human.