
Alexandra Sucre
Caraqueña. Licenciada en Comunicación Social, mención Periodismo, de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.
Ten children are sitting with their mothers in a waiting room at a health center in Santa Lucia, in the Paz Castillo de Valles del Tuy municipality, Miranda state, waiting for their turn to see the doctor. They are children whose bones can be easily seen poking out under their thin skin. Their eyes are […]

Alexandra Sucre
Caraqueña. Licenciada en Comunicación Social, mención Periodismo, de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.
Ten children are sitting with their mothers in a waiting room at a health center in Santa Lucia, in the Paz Castillo de Valles del Tuy municipality, Miranda state, waiting for their turn to see the doctor. They are children whose bones can be easily seen poking out under their thin skin. Their eyes are […]