The Diaz-Canel government delivers another low blow to Cuban farmers. Abuse, force, manage, win and charges. Added to the low profits that tobacco producers obtain today is the sale of some 270 tractors essential for their work in US dollar prices.
To access the machinery, the tobacco growers must deliver the percentage they receive in MLC (the magnetic USD) for the payment of their crops. According to the government website Cubadebate, it was the farmers who decided to allocate part of their income to purchase the equipment.
A batch of 45 tractors is already in Pinar del Río, while another 20 were distributed among Cienfuegos, Villa Clara and Sancti Spíritus. Marino Murillo, president of the Tabacuba Business Group, said that the entity did not obtain any profit between the acquisition and the sale of the machinery to the growers.
On the other hand, the Cuban Government invited and met (on May 1, 2023) with a delegation of US union members and activists who participated in the International Solidarity Meeting with Cuba.
According to the US activists, in Cuba there are “democratic unions that negotiate with the government,” there are autonomous communities and urban gardens. Meanwhile, the Cuban people live a very harsh and different reality. There is a shortage and crisis of everything (or of almost everything, which is not the same, but it is the same): gasoline, condoms, medicines, water, electricity, food…
Let him continue dreaming. In the end, the tractor is bread for today and hunger for tomorrow!
In the magnetic USD called MLC
Welcome US comrades.
What a marvelous country you have! Marvelous? Country? Ours?
This article was translated into English from the original in Spanish.
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